Humor Journals

This page contains information on Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, the journal associated with the ISHS, and further academic humor journals.

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International Journal of Humor Research

HUMOR was established as an international interdisciplinary forum for the publication of high-quality research papers on humor as an important and universal human faculty.

Editor-at-Large: Victor Raskin
Department of English, Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1356, U.S.A.
Phone: ; FAX:


Editor in Chief: Salvatore Attardo
Dept. of Literature and Languages, Texas A & M University - Commerce
P.O.Box 3011
Commerce, Texas 75429-3011, U.S.A.


Book-Review Editors: Amy Bippus, Jessica Milner Davis, Giovannantonio Forabosco, Giselinde Kuipers

Newsletter Editor: Ralph Mueller (University of Fribourg)

Editorial board: Mahadev Apte, Joseph Boskin, Christie Davies, Peter Derks, William F. Fry, Paul Lewis, Rod Martin, Lawrence E. Mintz, John Morreall, Alleen P. Nilsen, Don L.F. Nilsen, Elliott Oring, Willibald Ruch, Avner Ziv.

Board of consulting editors: Goh Abe, József Andór, Arthur Asa Berger, Regina Barreca, Amy T. Carrell, Wallace L. Chafe, Gary Alan Fine, Jeffrey Goldstein, Charles Gruner, Christian F. Hempelmann, M. Thomas Inge, Harvey Mindess, Neal R. Norrick, D. P. John Paulos, Daniel Royot, Jason Rutter, Joel F. Sherzer, and Larry Ventis.

Editorial assistant: Alyson Eggleston

Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter

HUMOR is published as one volume of four issues per year (approximately 440 pages).

See the Table of Contents of previous issues of HUMOR.

Individual members of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS) receive the journal as part of their membership.


Attention: Bibtex Style Files for HUMOR Articles (by courtesy of Graeme Ritchie)

Attention: Instructions for Authors for HUMOR Articles (pdf, 45 kb)

Attention: HUMOR is now online. Online access is now available to all institutional subscribers of the print version at no extra charge. Look up the web-site or contact the publisher for more information. Find here a list of most frequently downloaded articles.

Further journals

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Last updated: Dez 02, 2008

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